The Canadian association dedicated to people whose careers have been in libraries, archives, publishing, and information work

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Ex Libris Directors, 2023-24

Deb Thomas, New Westminster, British Columbia

BA in Creative Writing and English Literature, Binghamton University
MLIS, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia

Professional Experience:
Media resources, Vancouver Community College, 1974-76 & 1978-80
Media Resources, Selkirk College, 1981-88
Chief Librarian, Nelson Municipal Library, 1988-2006
Branch Manager, Burnaby Public Library, 2006-08
Deputy Chief Librarian, Burnaby Public Library, 2008-18

Professional volunteer work:
Chair, West Kootenay Library Association
A founder of the Kootenay Library Federation
Chair, Association of BC Public Library Directors
President-elect, President, Past President – BC Library Association
2019 to the present
Co-chair, BC Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee
Secretary, CFLA-FCAB Intellectual Freedom Committee
President, Ex Libris Association

President’s Award, BC Library Association

Current volunteer work:
Secretary/treasurer, Massey Victory Heights Residents Association
Informal mentoring of prospective librarians

Bird watching, gardening, nature photography, Canadian literature, folk & blues music

Tom Eadie, Ontario
Past President

M.L.S., University of Western Ontario, 1972.
M.A. Queen's University, 1971
B.A. (Hon.) Queen’s University, 1968

Professional Experience:
University of Western Ontario. Faculty of Information and Media Studies. Sessional lecturer. 2009 – 2013.
Mount Allison University. University Librarian. 2011-12
Trent University. University Librarian 1997 - 2006. Director of Information Services 1998 – 2003.
University of Calgary. Director of Libraries, 1992-97.
Mount Allison University. University Librarian, 1987-92.
University of Waterloo. Head, Reference & Collections, Porter Library, 1974-87.
University of British Columbia. Librarian, Information and Orientation, 1972-74.
Queen's University. Philosophy Department, Tutor 1968-70; McArthur College of Education, Instructor, 1968.

Professional volunteer and other work:
Victoria University in the University of Toronto. E.J. Pratt Library. Public Service Review. 2007.
Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange. Governing Board. 2003 - 06.
Advanced Book Exchange. Library Advisory Group. 2001 - 03.
University of Toronto. Faculty of Information Studies. Visiting Scholar. 2001.
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (formerly CNSLP). Trent representative. 1999 -
ECONet (Peterborough Community Network). Board of Directors, 1998 -
Alberta Library Board. Member. 1996-97.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. Advisory Committee, Library and I.T. Program. 1995-97. Chair, 1996-7.
Health Knowledge Network. (Alberta) Director. 1994-97.
University of Prince Edward Island. External Assessor. Library Review, 1992.
Binkley Communication Services. Director of Marketing. 1990-92.
Brandon University. Consultant. Library External Review. 1989.
National Library of Canada. Document Delivery Working Group. 1989-90.

Professional Publications:
“New wine in old bottles”, ELAN, 2011.
“”Extreme librarianship”, ELAN, 2010.
“Trial by jury”, ELAN, 2010.
“Wha’s like us”, Feliciter, 2010.
“Bring out your dead”, ELAN, 2009.
“How I became a librarian”, ELAN, 2008.
“Humanizing the cyber revolution at Trent”, View From Trent, Peterborough Examiner. 14 December, 2001.
“Remembrances of Things Past”, in Critical Issues in Library Management: Organizing for Leadership and Decision-Making. Papers from the Thirty-Fifth Allerton Institute. Edited by Bryce L. Allen, and Terry L. Weech. Occasional Papers Nos. 198/199. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995.
— with Frances K. Groen. “Information Technology, Libraries, and Lifelong Learning,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and People Part II, edited by Gornostaev, Juri & Thomas, Ray (pp. 136-145). Moscow: International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, 1993.
“Beyond Immodesty: Questioning the Benefits of BI”, Research Strategies, vol.10, no.3 (Summer, 1992).
“Northern Networks: Canadian Initiatives”, Research & Education Networking, vol.1, no.2 (1990), pp.11-13.
“Immodest proposals”, Library Journal, 15 October 1990.
— with Dave Binkley. “Wisconsin-Ohio reference evaluation at the University of Waterloo”, CACUL Occasional Paper Series No.3, 1989.
“Evaluation of reference service at the University of Waterloo: 1985”, CACUL Occasional Paper Series No.1, 1988.
“Christian Enslin”, Dictionary of Canadian Biography VIII. (1851-60). Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1985.
“Librarians and collective bargaining”, CAUT Bulletin, 24 (7) Feb. 1978.

Frances Davidson-Arnott, Toronto, Ontario
Ex Libris Association Newsletter Committee, Chair. Board member, ELA President (2006), Committee membership.

BA, U of T, ’69; BLS U of T, ’70; MLS U of T, ’74; PhD University of Sheffield, England ’93.

Professional Experience:
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1970-72: cataloguer, head order department.
Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples, 1973, Librarian.
1973–74 Centennial College, Technical Services Librarian
1974–86 Director, Centennial College, Resource Centre (libraries and audio-visual services on 5 campuses; College archives)
Seneca College, 1986–2003, Professor and Co-ordinator, Library & Information Technician Program.
Consulting, post-retirement

Professional volunteer work:
Committees/Executive positions at various library associations: CLA (CACUL, CTCL); OLA; U of T library science alumni.

Professional interests:
Library education; professionalism; library history; library management; library technology.

Bob Henderson, Ontario
Treasurer, Membership secretary

MLS, Faculty of Information, U of T

Professional Experience:
1975-1976: International TeleFilm - Film Librarian
1976-1986: Richmond Hill PL - Branch Coordinator, responsible for 2 smaller branches, system collection development coordinator
1987-2007: Markham PL - various supervisory positions, including Cataloguing Supervisor, Technical Services Manager, Branch Manager, Director of Strategic Planning & Service Support, Deputy CEO

U of T Arbor Award for volunteer work with Faculty of Information Alumni Association

Professional volunteer work:
Faculty of Information Alumni Association (2000-2017) – Board member, Treasurer

Other interests or volunteer work:
Markham Stamp Club – President
North Toronto Stamp Club – Director at Large

Lorne Bruce, Ontario
Webmaster, Biographies Project, ELA board (ex officio)

Studied history at McMaster University (1972) and library science (1975) at the Western University in London.

Professional Experience:
Worked as the chief librarian in two smaller Ontario public libraries at Hanover and King City for several years after graduation. After 1982, he has been at the University of Guelph Library in various public service roles, most recently as Head of Archival and Special Collections. In 1993–94, he served as President of the University of Guelph Faculty Association.

Professional associations:
In 2012–13 he was President of the Ex Libris Association.

Author of numerous articles and books on library history such as Free Books for All: The Public Library Movement in Ontario, 1850–1930 (Dundurn, 1994) which complements his Places to Grow: Public Libraries and Communities in Ontario, 1930–2000 (rev. 2020). Recently published a biography of George Locke (2021). He is currently researching and publishing on various aspects of library history across Canada.
His current internet site, Library History Today Blog at https://libraries-today.blogspot.com, discusses many issues, events, and writings in library history.

Donna Burton, Niagara area of Ontario
ELA Board member-at-large. Editor of the ELA Facebook Page and member of W.K. Lamb Award selection committee.

Master of Library Science degree, University of Toronto, 1980. BA 1978.

Professional Experience:
1980-2012 – Legislative Library of Ontario. Started as a Collections librarian on a 3-month contract and retired in 2012 as Director of the Legislative Library Branch. Provided leadership and direction for staff and activities of the Library, ensuring that Members were well informed for their roles as legislators.
Participated in the Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Canada (APLIC), attending conferences in capitals across Canada including Edmonton, St. John’s, and Iqaluit.

Volunteer and other library experience:
2013-14 - Member of the Town of Lincoln’s Library Fundraising Committee to help raise funds for a new library/community complex in Beamsville.
2015-21 – Lincoln Public Library Board. Vice Chair 2016-2018. Chair 2019-21.
2022 onward – Lincoln Pelham Public Library Board. Co-chair 2022.
Member Ontario Library Association.

Additional volunteer and recreational activities:
Chosen by the Town of Lincoln as one of the 50 Faces of Lincoln for volunteer contribution, to celebrate Lincoln’s 50th anniversary in 2020.
Volunteer at the 2015 Toronto Pan Am Games, 2017 Toronto Invictus Games, and Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games.
Active committee member of Trinity United Church, Beamsville.

Interest in genealogy and family history:
Love to travel! Visited all 13 provinces and territories. Taken the train across Canada four times.
Share care of a feral cat named Zeke.

Christina Wilson, Ontario
Chair of the W. Kaye Lamb Award Committee and co-lead for ELA’s Community Archives project.

Christina’s interest in Canadian history and architectural preservation began at Brock University where she received a Bachelor of Arts in History and Politics and continued at Western, where she achieved master degrees in Political Science and Library and Information Science.

Professional experience:
The recently retired CEO of Red Deer Public Library has worked for public and post-secondary libraries in Ontario and Alberta. She has a keen interest in library technology, specifically digitization, serving as Director of The Alberta Library’s Campus Alberta’s Digital Library.

Professional and other volunteer experience:
Christina has served on several, non-profit boards in Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge and Beaumont. She recently joined the Edmonton Historical Board in May, 2018 and is a member of EHB’s Plaques and Awards Committee. Christina is a member of OLA’s Evergreen Book Awards committee as a reader.

She enjoys golf, tennis, cycling, birding and rallying her vintage MGB.

Vivienne James, Toronto, Ontario
ELA Library Tours Ad Hoc Committee, Chair

BA (History), University of the West Indies (UWI)
MLS (Pratt Institute, New York)
Professional Experience:
Young Peoples’ Librarian, Toronto Public Library, 1973-74 &1977-79
Special Collections Librarian & Cataloguer, West Indies Collection (UWI)1974-77
Branch Head, Queen Salter Library, TPL, 1979-81
Branch Head, St. Lawrence/LOW Library, TPL, 1981-96
Branch Head, Spadina Road Library, 1996-2003

Professional Volunteer Work:
Ex Libris Association, Board Member & Newsletter Committee member
Church Library Association of Ontario, Board Member and Church Librarian
Established a new school library in the Caribbean
Assisted in collection development for a community library in the Caribbean

Additional Interests:
Library and Collection development; Library history; Sports activities, esp. Track, Hockey and soccer.

David Harvie, Stratford, Ontario
Member at Large

BA (Classical Civilization, Myth and Religion), Scarborough College, University of the Toronto
MLS (University of Toronto)

Professional Experience:
Systems Manager, Southern Ontario Library Service, Toronto, 1994-1999
Systems Librarian & Associate Library Director, Stratford Public Library 1999-2012
Manager of IT & Technical Services, Brantford Public Library, 2012-2014
CEO & Chief Librarian, City of Kawartha Lakes Public Library, 2014-2017
Library Director & CEO, Georgina Public Library, 2017-2019
Library CEO, Woodstock Public Library, 2019-2022

Professional Volunteer Work:
Board Member, Library Service Centre 2017-2023
Board Member, OurDigital World, 2023-present
Board Member, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, 2023- present

Additional Interests:
Online Gaming, Historical Miniatures, Scifi and Fantasy.

Julia Schneider, Stratford, Ontario
Member at Large

Ph.D. candidate. College of Education. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1993-1996.
Bachelor of Education, Queen’s University at Kingston, 1991.
Bachelor of Journalism. University of Kings College. Halifax, 1984.
M.L.S. University of Western Ontario, 1977.
M.A. English Language and Literature. University of Waterloo, 1975.
B.A. (Hon.) English major, Queen’s University, 1973.

Ontario College of Teachers, the Ontario Library Association and the Ex Libris Association, Lifetime member of the American Library Association.

Professional Library and Teaching Experience:
Colegio Americano, Quito, Ecuador. Bibliotecaria Secundaria, 1993-1996.
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Senior Librarian,1996-2003; 2006-2007.
Salt Lake City Public Library. Jail Librarian, 2003-2006.
Dalian Maple Leaf International School, P.R.C. Girls’ Campus Librarian, 2009-2012.
Ontario Correctional Institute, Brampton. Librarian, 2012-2014
American School of Ulaanbaatar. Secondary Librarian, 2014-2016.
Sakatcheway Anishinabe School, Grassy Narrows, ON. Teacher Librarian/Special Education. 2018-2020.

Volunteer experience:
ALA’s Library Services to Special Populations Forum (LSSPF), 1996-2013; On major ALA Scholarship Committees 2008-2011 and 2012-2013; Presented “School Libraries Beyond Borders” at the 2011 Ontario Library Association Superconference (Toronto, Canada);
Chaired ALA’s Library Services to Prisoners’ Forum (LSPF) 2002-2003 and coordinated the presentation “Has Your Librarian Been in Prison?” at the 2003 ALA Conference in Toronto;
Publish articles in American Libraries, Interface and ELAN, among other journals.

Life-long education through reading, journalism, the theatre, music and gardening.

aboutus/executive.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/06 19:55