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Donald Alexander Baird

b. Jan. 29, 1926, Edmonton, AB; d. Nov. 1, 1994, Vancouver, BC


1949 B.A.(British Columbia); 1951 M.S. (Columbia)


1949-1950 Library Assistant, Reference Division, University of B.C.Library
1951-1954 Cataloguer, Vancouver Public Library
1954-1957 First Cataloguer, Victoria Public Library
1957-1964 Assistant University Librarian for Technical Services, University of Alberta Library
1964-1977 University Librarian, Simon Fraser University
1977-1990 University Archivist, Simon Fraser University


Bell, Inglis F. and Donald Baird. (1958). English novel, 1578-1956: a checklist of twentieth-century criticisms.“ Denver: A. Swallow.


American Library Association
Canadian Library Association
British Columbia Library Association
Association of Canadian Archivists,President
Association of British Columbia Archivists


Association of British Columbia Archivists. Honorary Member

Association of British Columbia Archivists Newsletter, Editor


From almost the beginning of his career Donald Baird was cast in the role of a pioneer. Recruited from the University of Alberta a year before Simon Fraser University opened its doors, he had only that year in which to create a completely new university library: overseeing the design of its building, hiring its staff, founding its collection, planning its services. He was a visionary, eager to take new approaches and particularly to implement computer-based library applications. When he decided to retire from the directorship after thirteen years of unrelenting effort, he could take satisfaction in having founded a library renowned for its service to the university and the library community in B.C. His second career as the University's archivist presented new challenges for him, and he quickly became prominent in supporting the interests of archives in the province and nation. In his capacity as President of the Association of B.C. Archivists, he was the stimulus for the writing and publication of two important documents, “A Manual for Small Archives” and a “Handbook for Records Management and College Archives”. For the Association of Canadian Archivists he carried out surveys of university archives in Canada in 1980 and again in 1985. Ill health forced his early retirement.


Daniells, Laurenda. “Donald Baird: (1926-1994),” Archivaria 38: 249-250.

biographies/donald-alexander-baird.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/22 19:51