The Canadian association dedicated to people whose careers have been in libraries, archives, publishing, and information work

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John Provost Wilkinson

b. 1927; d. Sept. 28, 2014, London, ON


University of Toronto Schools
1948 BA (University of Toronto)
1949 MA (University of Toronto)
1950 BLS (University of Toronto, School of Library Science)
1966 PhD (University of Chicago)


Toronto Public Library. Reference Dept.
Ontario College of Education
University of Nebraska Library, Assistant Director
Director, Dalhousie University Library
1965-1993 Professor of Library and Information Science, University of Toronto
1994-2014 Professor Emeritus


Wilkinson, John P. (1955). “The problem of professionalism.” Ontario Library Review, 39 (1): 5-7.

Wilkinson, John P. (1957). “A division of labour.” Ontario Library Review, 41 (2): 87-88.

Wilkinson, John P. (1966). A history of the Dalhousie University main library, 1867-1931. Chicago: University of Chicago. PhD Dissertation.

Wilkinson, John P. (1968). Scoping the future of librarianship in Ontario. Toronto: [s.n.]

Wilkinson, John P. (1968). “The Bain and Rhees lists.” IPLO Quarterly, 9: 41-45.

Wilkinson, John P. (1975). Canadian juvenile fiction: the publisher library interface. Toronto: Faculty of Library Science, University of Toronto.

Wilkinson John P. principal investigator. (1976). A Canadian public library inquiry: research design. Prepared by the Centre for Research in Librarianship. Faculty of Library Science, University of Toronto for the Canadian Association of Public Libraries of the Canadian Library Association. Toronto: Centre for Research in Librarianship.

Wilkinson, John P. (1976). Canadian juvenile fiction: the publisher and library market. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association.

Wilkinson, John P., J. Michael Michaud and Richard L. Hopkins. (1981). Canadian library journal readership survey. Toronto: Centre for Research in Librarianship, Faculty of Library Science, University of Toronto.

Wilkinson, John P. (1982). The cost effective library. [s.n.:s.l.]

Wilkinson, John P. (1982). “Research and the profession of librarianship.” Argus, 11 (3/4): 81-83.

Fasick, Adele M. and John P. Wilkinson. (1983). To buy or not to buy: an analysis of Ontario elementary school library purchasing of selected Canadian and U.S. periodicals. Toronto: Centre for Research in Librarianship, Faculty of Library Science, University of Toronto.

Wilkinson, John P. (1983). “The role of the library in the development of a university: one interpretation of the history of the Dalhousie University Library from 1818 to 1931.” Atlantic Provinces Library Association Bulletin, 46 (5, March): 56-64.

Cariou, Mavis, Adele Fasick and John P. Wilkinson. (1990). A response to the Ontario public library strategic plan. Toronto: Faculty of Library and Information Science.

Hambleton, Alixe E. and John P. Wilkinson. (1994). The role of the school library in resource-based learning. Regina, Sask: Saskatchewan School Trustees Association.


Canadian Library Association
Ontario Library Association
Institute of Professional Librarians of Ontario; publisher of the IPLO Quarterly
Ex Libris Association
Member of the Senate, University of Toronto


Teaching responsibilities included history of libraries, research methods, academic librarianship, administration, reference services, publisher-library relations.

“A peerless storyteller with a deep and vibrant intellect, the warmest of hearts, a rich humour and a love of life. He will be missed by all who shared his company.”


Obituary: Globe and Mail, Wed.,Oct.1, 2014.

biographies/john-provost-wilkinson.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/23 20:10