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Margaret Kathleen (Kate) Donkin

b. Nov. 12, 1924; d. August 17, 2001


1969 MA in Historical Geography (McMaster University)


1964-1986 Map Curator, McMaster University


Donkin, Kate and Michael Goodchild (1967). “A computerized approach to increased map library utility.” In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Canadian Map Libraries, June 14-16, 1967:16-23.

Donkin, Kate and Michael Goodchild (1967). “A computerized approach to increased map library utility.” Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 4, 1: 39-45.

Donkin, Margaret Kathleen (1969). An analysis of the changing land-use morphology of Waterdown, 1795-1960. Hamilton: McMaster University, Dept. of Geography. [Thesis].

Gentilcore, R. Louis, Kate Donkin and Conrad E. Heidenreich (1973). Land surveys of southern Ontario: an introduction and index to the field notebooks of the Ontario land surveyors, 1784-1859. Toronto: B.V. Gutsell.

Gentilcore, Louis and Kate Donkin (1973). “Index to the field note books.” Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 10, 2: 37-104.

Gentilcore, Louis and Kate Donkin (1973). “Instructions on the use of the index as a key to the field notes.” Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 10, 2: 25-36.

Gentilcore, Louis and Kate Donkin (1973). “A procedure for mapping the vegetation of northern Simcoe County from the Ontario Land Survey.” Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 10, 2: 105-112.

Gentilcore, Louis and Kate Donkin (1973). “The Survey Notes: an introduction.” Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 10, 2: 1-24.

Donkin, Kate and Rita Finch (1976). Union list of atlases in Ontario universities. Toronto: Council of Ontario Universities.

Donkin, Sebert & Donkin. “Songs, being composed and rendered.” ACMLA Bulletin, no. 112, Fall 2001: 27-30.


1970 Member, “Maps in Theses” Committee, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
1972-1973 Vice-President, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
1973-1975 Chair, National Union Catalogue Committee, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
1974 Chair, Nominating Committee, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
1977 Member, Constitution Committee, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives
1981-1982 Chair, Remunerations Committee, Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives


1986 ACMLA Honours Award.
1988 ACMLA Honorary Membership Award.


Kate was the first map librarian at McMaster University, and she “was one of the founding members of the Association [of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives]. Many map librarians today reap the benefit of [Kate’s] early efforts [and contributions to map librarianship in Canada].”

“One of her earliest projects was the creation of an automated map retrieval system, in conjunction with Michael Goodchild … now considered to be an ancestor of modern MARC for cartographic materials.” Kate also devoted a great deal of her time to the National Union Catalogue Committee. “Both of these ventures are characteristic of her career-long commitment to access issues, which for Kate meant finding ways to make people use and appreciate maps.”

Kate also “presented academic papers on the land surveys of southern Ontario with Professor Louis Gentilcore of McMaster University and on the evaluation of the Canadian 1:250, 000 topographic map series with Lou Sebert.”

``In the early 1970s she was given the responsibility of helping to establish the first science library at McMaster. She is remembered for vivacious personality, her good sense of humour and for being a tremendous conversationalist.``


“Kate Donkin 1924-200l.” ACMLA Bulletin, no. 112, Fall 2001: 24-30..
“Obituaries: Kathleen (Kate) Moore Donkin.” GeoPlan, Spring 2002.

biographies/margaret-kathleen-donkin.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/23 03:06