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Marie (Maria) Flora Zielińska

b. June 26, 1921, Krakow, Poland; d. Sept. 10, 2016, Ottawa, ON


1947 M.SC (Jagellonian University, Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture)
1947 Graduate School of Social Sciences (Journalism)
1962 B. BIBL. (Université de Montréal)
1969 MLS (McGill University)


1962-1963 Chief Librarian dr. Hans Selye Institute of Experimental Medicine, Université de Montréal
1963-1965 Université de Montréal Main Library, various departments
1965-1969 Université de Montréal, organized and headed libraries for the Department of Biology
1969-1973 Head of the Dept. of Serial Publications, their gifts and exchanges for all 23 University libraries
1973-1994 Organized and headed the Multilingual Biblioservice adopted by the Canadian Government Policy of Multiculturalism at the National Library and Archives

Publications (major works):

Zielinska, Marie F. (1967). “The Library - College; a New Concept in Higher Education.” CACUL Newsletter/Nouvelles de l’ACBCU 1, no. 7 & 8 (June): 59–65.

Zielinska, Marie F. (1969). Bibliotherapy as a tool in mental therapy. [Montréal: s.n.].

Zielinska, Marie F. (1976). “Multiculturalism: the Idea behind the policy.” Canadian Library Journal 33, no. 3 (June): 223–225.

Zielinska, Marie (1976). “Libraries in the Canadian mosaic: multilingual biblioservice.” Canadian Library Journal 33, no. 5 (October): 441–445.

Zielinska, Marie F. (1980). “Public library services to Canadian ethnocultural communities: an overview.” Library Trends 29, no. 2 (Fall): 275–292.

Zielinska, Marie F., with Francis T. Kirkwood, ed. (1992). Multicultural librarianship: an international handbook. Műnchen: K.G. Sauer. (IFLA publications, 59).

Zielinska, Marie F. (1993). Multiculturalism and library services to ethnocultural communities: the Multilingual Biblioservice reprint collection. Le multiculturalisme et les services de bibliothèques aux communautés ethno-culturelles: la collection de tirés-à-part du Biblioservice multilingue. [Ottawa]: National Library of Canada.

Zielinska, Maria F. (1994). “Polish literature in exile.” MultiCultural review v.3, no.1 Mar.:12-14.

Zielinska, Marie F. (1998). Opowieść dla córki. Ottawa: [M. Zielinska].

Zielinska, Marie F. (2001). Celebrating 20 years: a concise history of the IFLA Section of Library Services to Multicultural Populations. [s.l.]: IFLA.

Zielinska, Marie F. (2000). “IFLA reports – IFLA’s Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations celebrates its 20th anniversary.” IFLA journal 26, no. 4: 303.

Zielinska, Marie F. (2006). “Happy Birthday to Ottawa Public Library: a history of OPL’s first 100 years.” ELAN no. 40: 10-12.

Zielinska, Maria F. (2013). May you live in interesting times: memoirs of a centenarian (well, almost). Ottawa: Baico Publishing Inc.


Canadian Library Association
Quebec Library Association
Ottawa-Hull Library Association
Ex Libris Association
Friends of the Ottawa Public Library
American Library Association
International Library Association
Polish Combatants’Association
Association of Polish Engineers
National Chair of the Polish Engineers Assoc. Golden Anniversary celebrations
APEC’s Ladies Auxiliary
Canadian-Polish Congress Polish Saturday Schools, Montreal and Ottawa
Friends of the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland


1985, 1986 Ontario Award for Commitment to Volunteerism
1989 Newly established ALA Leonard Wertheimer Award
1994 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal
1998 Polish Combatants‘ Association Golden Cross of Merit
2001 Association of Polish Engineers in Canada Merit Award
2001 International Federation of Library Associations, Section of Library Services to Multicultural Populations certificate for outstanding services and honorary membership
2001 Canadian-Polish Congress Golden Badge of Honor
2002 Republic of Poland Golden Cross of Merit
2008 Republic of Poland Knight’s Medal of Merit for 50 years for work for Polonia


“Marie was a joy to work with and an inspiration. She created a wonderful work atmosphere for her staff, who came from many diverse backgrounds.”

From Marie’s retirement speeches: “We first met in the tower room of the University of Montreal. You were surrounded by a huge job- serials needing organizing. I remember your energy and enthusiasm in that situation you carried also throughout your years at NL [National Library]. You have been an inspiration to many libraries and have made a great contribution to libraries world-wide.”

“You have brought verve, dedication, vision and spirit to the National Library. You alone, with a number of specialists contributed to the development of the MBS [Multilingual Biblioservice] not only through collections and services but also through professional involvement in the wider world of libraries, culture and education.”

Benedikte Kragh-Schwartz, The Danish Central Library for Immigrant Literature: “Marie – we have known each other for more than 20 years – you have given me a good professional training and personal friendship, for which I cannot thank you enough. I have been so inspired by your Canadian work in MBS in Ottawa, as well as the many wonderful cheerful hours we spent together during conferences ….”


Manning, Ralph W. et al. (2017). “A memory of Marie F. Zielinska, 1921-2016.” ELAN no. 61 (Spring): 7.
Marie Flora Zielinska's biography file

biographies/marie-flora-zielinska.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/13 20:39