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Dalhousie School of Library and Information Studies, 1969–2004

By Norman Horrocks

Notable Events

1969School of Library Service was created and was located administratively in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
1971The first Master of Library Service (MLS) degree was awarded.
1973MLS program was accredited by the American Library Association retroactive to 1971.
1975The school became affiliated with the newly formed Faculty of Administrative Studies.
1984The Faculty of Administrative Studies was superseded by the Faculty of Management Studies (later known as the Faculty of Management).
1985-87The School implemented its revised curriculum.
1986Change of name to School of Library and Information Studies and of degree to Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS).
1987First MLIS degree was awarded.
1991Joint MLIS/LLB degree program was offered.
1998Joint MLIS/MPA and MLIS/MBA degree programs offered.
1998MLIS program reaccredited by American Library Association. Next visit scheduled for 2005.
2001Joint MLIS/MPA and MLIS/MBA degree programs offered.


1969 - 1970Louis G. Vagianos
1970 - February 1972J. Clement Harrison
March 1972 - 1986Norman Horrocks
1986 - 1994Mary Dykstra (Lynch)
1994 - 1995Louis G. Vagianos
1995 - 2002Bertrum H. MacDonald
2003 -Fiona A. Black
history/dalhousie-university-library-education.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 02:52