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British Columbia School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, 1961–2004

By Lois. M. Bewley

Notable Events

1915/59Discussions, proposals and reports regarding the establishment of a library school at UBC.
1961Dr.Samuel Rothstein appointed first Director of the new School of Librarianship located the North Wing of the University's Main Library.
First class admitted to the School.
1962First Bachelor of Library Science (BLS) degrees awarded.
1963First accreditation under American Library Association (ALA) standards.
1971Roy Stokes appointed Director.
Two-year Master of Library Science (MLS) program introduced.
1974National Conference on the State of Canadian Bibliography conducted.
1975First Summer Session program offered.
1976ALA accreditation renewed.
1977First Pacific Rim Conference on Children's Literature conducted.
1981Basil Stuart-Stubbs appointed Director.
Master of Archival Studies (MAS) degree program introduced.
1984Name changed to School of Library, Archival and Information Studies.
1985ALA accreditation renewed
1990School becomes part of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
1992Dr. Ken Haycock appointed Director.
1995Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree introduced.
1998First Nations Concentration introduced.
School is reaccredited for full seven years under ALA 1992 accreditation standards.
1999Master of Arts in Children's Literature, an interdisciplinary degree program introduced.
2001PhD program introduced.
2003Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies (MAS/MLIS) joint degree program introduced.
School moved to temporary quarters and scheduled to move into permanent quarters in the new University Learning Centre in 2005.
2004Dr. Edie Rasmussen appointed Director.
history/university-of-british-columbia-library-education.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 02:51 by lbruce