British Columbia School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, 1961–2004
By Lois. M. Bewley
Notable Events
1915/59 | Discussions, proposals and reports regarding the establishment of a library school at UBC. |
1961 | Dr.Samuel Rothstein appointed first Director of the new School of Librarianship located the North Wing of the University's Main Library. First class admitted to the School. |
1962 | First Bachelor of Library Science (BLS) degrees awarded. |
1963 | First accreditation under American Library Association (ALA) standards. |
1971 | Roy Stokes appointed Director. Two-year Master of Library Science (MLS) program introduced. |
1974 | National Conference on the State of Canadian Bibliography conducted. |
1975 | First Summer Session program offered. |
1976 | ALA accreditation renewed. |
1977 | First Pacific Rim Conference on Children's Literature conducted. |
1981 | Basil Stuart-Stubbs appointed Director. Master of Archival Studies (MAS) degree program introduced. |
1984 | Name changed to School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. |
1985 | ALA accreditation renewed |
1990 | School becomes part of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. |
1992 | Dr. Ken Haycock appointed Director. |
1995 | Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree introduced. |
1998 | First Nations Concentration introduced. School is reaccredited for full seven years under ALA 1992 accreditation standards. |
1999 | Master of Arts in Children's Literature, an interdisciplinary degree program introduced. |
2001 | PhD program introduced. |
2003 | Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies (MAS/MLIS) joint degree program introduced. School moved to temporary quarters and scheduled to move into permanent quarters in the new University Learning Centre in 2005. |
2004 | Dr. Edie Rasmussen appointed Director. |
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