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Western Faculty of Information and Media Studies, 1966–2004

By Janette White

Notable Events

1966School of Library and Information Science established at the University of Western Ontario. Andrew D. Osborn appointed Dean.
1967MLS program begins in September with 40 full-time and 20 part-time students.
1968MLS degree conferred on 32 graduates at October Convocation.
1969MLS program accredited by American Library Association.
1970Retirement of Dr. Osborn. Appointment of William J. Cameron as Dean.
1973PhD program introduced.
1976Reaccreditation of MLS program.
1977MLS extension program commences in Ottawa.
1978PhD conferred on first graduate of program, Michael Shepherd.
1979Institution of Co-op (Work/Study) program.
1982SLIS moves to permanent quarters in Elborn College.
1983Re-accreditation of MLS program.
1984Dr. Jean Tague appointed Dean.
1985Designation of degree changed to Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS).
1990Reaccreditation of MLIS program.
1993Name of School changed to Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).
1994Proposal for merger of MA Journalism and MLIS and LIS PhD programs presented to University's Task Force on Strategic Planning.
1996/97Merger of graduate programs in Journalism and Library and Information Science to form Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) in transition.
1997MLIS program reaccredited.
1998Dr. Manjunath Pendakur appointed Dean of FIMS.
LIS program moves to Middlesex College.
1999Dr. Gloria Leckie of LIS program appointed Associate Dean.
2000Appointment of Dr. Catherine Ross, Acting Dean on Resignation of Dr Pendakur.
2002Catherine Ross appointed Dean of FIMS.
2004Scheduled visit of ALA Accreditation Team and move of FIMS to North Campus Building.


1966-1970Andrew D. Osborn, BA, AMLS, PhD
1970-1984William J. Cameron, BA, MA, PhD
1984-1996Jean M. Tague (later Jean Tague-Sutcliffe) BA, BLS, PhD
1996-1998Catherine L. Ross, Acting, BA, MA, MLS, PhD
1998-2000Manjunath Pendakur, BA, MA, PhD
2000-2001Catherine L. Ross, Acting
2002-Catherine L. Ross
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