Western Faculty of Information and Media Studies, 1966–2004
By Janette White
Notable Events
1966 | School of Library and Information Science established at the University of Western Ontario. Andrew D. Osborn appointed Dean. |
1967 | MLS program begins in September with 40 full-time and 20 part-time students. |
1968 | MLS degree conferred on 32 graduates at October Convocation. |
1969 | MLS program accredited by American Library Association. |
1970 | Retirement of Dr. Osborn. Appointment of William J. Cameron as Dean. |
1973 | PhD program introduced. |
1976 | Reaccreditation of MLS program. |
1977 | MLS extension program commences in Ottawa. |
1978 | PhD conferred on first graduate of program, Michael Shepherd. |
1979 | Institution of Co-op (Work/Study) program. |
1982 | SLIS moves to permanent quarters in Elborn College. |
1983 | Re-accreditation of MLS program. |
1984 | Dr. Jean Tague appointed Dean. |
1985 | Designation of degree changed to Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS). |
1990 | Reaccreditation of MLIS program. |
1993 | Name of School changed to Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS). |
1994 | Proposal for merger of MA Journalism and MLIS and LIS PhD programs presented to University's Task Force on Strategic Planning. |
1996/97 | Merger of graduate programs in Journalism and Library and Information Science to form Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) in transition. |
1997 | MLIS program reaccredited. |
1998 | Dr. Manjunath Pendakur appointed Dean of FIMS. LIS program moves to Middlesex College. |
1999 | Dr. Gloria Leckie of LIS program appointed Associate Dean. |
2000 | Appointment of Dr. Catherine Ross, Acting Dean on Resignation of Dr Pendakur. |
2002 | Catherine Ross appointed Dean of FIMS. |
2004 | Scheduled visit of ALA Accreditation Team and move of FIMS to North Campus Building. |
1966-1970 | Andrew D. Osborn, BA, AMLS, PhD |
1970-1984 | William J. Cameron, BA, MA, PhD |
1984-1996 | Jean M. Tague (later Jean Tague-Sutcliffe) BA, BLS, PhD |
1996-1998 | Catherine L. Ross, Acting, BA, MA, MLS, PhD |
1998-2000 | Manjunath Pendakur, BA, MA, PhD |
2000-2001 | Catherine L. Ross, Acting |
2002- | Catherine L. Ross |
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