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Guide for using Zoom for meetings

The following basic guide to using Zoom for ELA meetings may be helpful to those who are new to virtual meeting spaces. It can also serve as a reminder to others who attend on an irregular basis.

If the Zoom app is not included in your software, the app can be downloaded at the Zoom website support centre for mobile phones or desktops.

What is Zoom?
It is a video conferencing application that can be used on a computer desktop or mobile app. Zoom allows multiple users to connect online for video conference meetings, webinars and live chat. Users can view other participants and listen to presentations.


1. To begin, ensure you are connected to WIFI, check to see that your camera (usually at the top centre of a computer or laptop) is unobstructed and your audio is on.

2. Next, click on the link sent to you on the meeting agenda. An ELA AGM url will be sent out to members via the Listserv a short time before the meeting date. The link is also availabe in the AGM package agenda.

3. Video: lauch your meeting and click “Start Video” in the lower left-hand corner of the tool bar at the bottom of your screen. Adjust your device (laptop, computer, tablet or phone) or chair so that you (and others) can see your face.

4. Audio: if your audio (to the left of Start Video on the bottom of your screen) is on, please click Mute until you need to speak. This ensures that all other participants aren’t listening to any background noise in your home. You can UnMute when you want to speak by clicking on the icon again.

5. View: in the upper right-hand corner, you will find the “View” icon. You can choose to see everyone (gallery view) or just the person speaking (speaker).

6. Other features on your bottom tool bar include:

a. Chat – you can use this option to connect with the Host (if you are having technical issues, for example), everyone in the meeting, or a specific person in the meeting.

b. Reactions – you can use this feature to Raise Hand if you want to be recognized to speak. Remember to click on Lower Hand when you have finished speaking.

c. Polls – these may appear from time to time during the meeting to allow you to vote on motions or respond to a poll. The time to respond is relatively brief so please respond quickly.

7. When you want to leave the meeting/conference, click on “END” found in the lower right-hand corner. The Host will end the meeting for everyone when conference and meeting are concluded.

meetings/guide-to-zoom-meetings.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/19 20:44