The Canadian association dedicated to people whose careers have been in libraries, archives, publishing, and information work

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Ex Libris Conference Proceedings, 1987 to Present


A virtual meeting of just more than thirty members from across Canada took place on November 6th.
Following the official AGM proceedings, Richard Ellis, a librarian emeritus from Newfoundland and Labrador,
made a PowerPoint presentation on the current state of intellectual freedom and Canadian libraries.
Because ELA is changing to a calendar year there will be not AGM in 2024. The next AGM will be in spring 2025.

The presentation by Dick Ellis is available as a PDF at this link. 2022

A virtual meeting of approximately thirty members took place on November 7th.
First, Lisa Glandt, MAS with the Archives Association of British Columbia, spoke on how archives are working towards Truth
and Reconciliation calls to action in relation to archival practice in British Columbia.
Then, following the AGM, Richard Beaudry, MLIS and Chair of the CFLA-FCAB Intellectual Freedom Committee, spoke on contemporary
challenges and censorship in school libraries and learning commons in Canada.

Lisa Glandt's presentation is available in PDF format at this link. Richard Beaudry's presentation is available on YouTube at this link. 2021

Due to COVID-19 there was no formal in-person gathering in Toronto for the second consecutive year.
A virtual meeting of thirty-five members took place in early November via computers, smartphones, and telephones.
Our speaker, Peter Hajnal (viewed below), made a Zoom presentation on International Librarianship.

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Due to COVID-19 there was no formal in-person gathering.
A virtual meeting of forty-five members took place in early December via computers and iphones.


Theme for this year: "Wither! The Future of Print and the Growth of Non-print Media"
Speaker: Andrea Mills, Digitization Program Manager, Internet Archive Canada
Greetings from the OLA and the CFLA-FCAB from Shelagh Patterson, Executive Director, OLA
Speaker: Allison Lennox, Manager, Special Collections, Preservation and Digitization Department,Toronto Public Library
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Andrea Mills, Speaker Shelagh Patterson, Ont. Library Assn. Allison Lennox, Speaker Tom Eadie, ELA President


Speakers on archival practices and librarianship
Michael Moir: York University Archives, University Archivist and Head of Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections
"A Summing Up: An illustrious Career and Institution (Toronto City Archives)," Scott James, former City of Toronto Archivist
Presentation of the Kaye Lamb Award for service to seniors to the Hamilton Public Library
Presentation by Jean Weihs: A career in teaching, cataloguing, and a recent recipient of the Order of Canada in 2018
Reception for Jean Riddle Weihs University of Toronto, Faculty of Information (iSchool)


Three presentations
Ann Cox, CBC Manager, speaking on “Libraries of the Future and Past – the CBC Archives”
Lorlyn MacDonald, University of Toronto Thomas Fisher Rare Books: “Libraries of the Past and Future – Rare Book Libraries”
Arlene Chan, former Manager Toronto Public Library, speaking on “Chinese Canadians, the New Reference Library and Chinese Canadian Archives”


Speakers on Canadian crime writing and Islamic literature
Mariam Misters, co-proprietor Sleuth of Baker Street Bookstore, speaking on mystery writing and the Crime Writers of Canada Arthur Ellis Award
Zafar Bangash, speaker, the Islamic Literature and Information Center work in Toronto


Three Presentations and Discussions on Library Education, a Toronto neighbourhood, and the Digital Age
The History of Library Education, speaker Agatha Barc
Orchard viewers and the History of North Toronto, Lynda Moon
Digital Age Concerns including the Material Internet, Censorship, and Scholarship, Dale Askey


Two Presentations and Discussions on Surveying and Collecting
The Future Action Plan for the Toronto Public Libraries, speaker Kim Silk
Collecting Cookbooks, Mary F. Williamson and Liz Driver (with Fiona Lucas)


Four Presentations in Librarianship and Heritage Preservation
Sunnybrook Hospital services for veterans with Phil Gold, Archivists and Librarian, Toronto
"New Approaches in Map Librarianship" with Courtney Lundrigan from Trinity College, Toronto
Woodland Cultural Centre library services with Vivre Willand, Brantford
Ex Libris Oral History project with Vivienne James, Toronto


New Directions in Academic Librarianship:
Michael Ridley, McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph
Noel McFerran, Kelly Library, St, Michaels College

Promoting Archives:
"The War of 1812, Diamond Jubilee, and Social Media," speaker Stewart Boden, Archives of Ontario
Paul Sharkey, City of Toronto Archives


Panel Discussion: "E-Books and Libraries" convened by Jean Weihs
Lani Sellick, retired documentary producer
Joanne Lombardo, Collections Librarian, E-Books at Toronto Public Library
Malle Vallik, author, editor, digital publisher Harlequin

The Human Library, speaker Cort Egan, Manager, Communications, University of Guelph Library, with student Adelle Miller (human book)
Anne Marie Aikens, Manager, Corporate Communications, Toronto Public Library


Panel Discussion: "Post-Retirement Activities; from Consulting to Volunteering"
Jean Weihs, Consultant, Columnist and Writer
Shirley Lewis, Children of Ethiopia Education Fund Canada

Storytelling: its History in Libraries and the Effects of New Media
Ken Setterington, Toronto Public Library
Mariella Bertelli, Toronto Public Library

Ken Setterington's presentation is available on YouTube

Mariella Bertelli's presentation is available on YouTube

Shirley Lewis' comments on retirement and presentation on Ethiopia are available on YouTube


Panel Discussion: "Prison Libraries: Past, Present, & Future"
Joanne Lefebvre, Coordinator, Learning Resources Initiative,Ontario Region, Correctional Services Canada
Rob Baltovich (librarian wrongly convicted)

Library Juries: a panel
Douglas Gibson, McClelland & Stewart
Ken Setterington' Toronto Public Library
Todd Kyle, Mississauga Public Library


Discussion: "Bring Out Your Dead or Focus on Genealogy"
Sharon Murphy, Timelines Genealogical Research, Cobourg – "Hiring a Professional Genealogist"
Marian Press, Acting Chief Librarian Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – "Wired Genealogy: Where the Internet has Taken Family Historians"


Panel Discussion: "Independent Book Sellers, Challenges in the Big Box Store Era."
Brenda Bickram, Books for Business and Leonard McHardy, Theatre Books
Sheila Kauffman, Another Story: Alison Fryer, The Cookbook Store
Gwen Harris, Gwen Harris Information Services: "Life on the Web: The Web as a Social Place."


Anna Porter, Author and Former Publisher of Key Porter Books
"Canadian Publishing in the Global Marketplace"

Panel Discussion: Trends and Challenges in Collection Building ( What Are Libraries Buying and Why) - (The Shrinking Dollar and Expanding Choices)
Scott Millard, Manager, Library Service, Halton Catholic District School Board
Charlotte Stewart, recently retired University Librarian (Acting), McMaster University
Susan Caron, Manager, Collection Development, Toronto Public Library


Vivienne Monty, Senior Librarian, York University: "Changes in Reference Due to Technology: From Gutenberg to Gates"
Ken Setterington, Children and Youth Advocate for Library Services, Toronto Public Library:"The Importance of Story in an Automated World"


Brian Cantwell Smith, Dean, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, "Future Directions for the Faculty of Information Studies"

Panel Discussion: "The Growing Crisis in School Libraries"
Liz Kerr, Past President of OLA, Outline of the Issues - Trends and Perspectives - National, Provincial, Local
Janet Kaufman, Head, Information Services and Co-Director of the Learning Common, University of Guelph, "A Perspective on the Problems Being Encountered at the University Library Level"
Teri Shaw, Canadian Federation of University Women, "Background the CFUW's Resolutions on Supporting School Libraries"


Ian Wilson, National Archivist of Canada, "The New Library and Archives Canada"

Panel discussion: "The Ontario Digital Library (ODL): A Virtual Reality"
Michael Ridley, University Librarian, University of Guelph
Ken Roberts, Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library


Panel discussion: "Is Librarianship as a Profession Headed for Oblivion?"
Roma Harris, Vice Provost and Registrar, University of Western Ontario and Professor, "Identity Shaping: Is time running out for Librarians?"
Deborah Defoe, Chief Librarian, Kingston and Frontenac Public Library,"The Report of the Death of (Public) Librarianship is greatly Exaggerated"
Maureen O'Reilly, Recording Secretary of Local 416, Library Division of the Toronto Civic Employees Union and Public Services Librarian at Brentwood District Library, "Senior Qualified Application - A Threat to the Profession? A Union Member's Perspective"

Panel Discussion:
Elizabeth Driver, Bibliographer, editor, author, culinary historian, "Where is my Expert?"
Mary Canvanagh, PhD candidate, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Manager of Virtual Library Sources, Ottawa Public Library "Librarians of the Future - Following the 'red thread' of the Question"
Peter Hajnal, retired International Organization and Government Information Specialist, University of Toronto Libraries, "Librarianship Changed and not Doomed"

The proceedings of the 2002 panel on Librarianship is available at this link.


Judy Donnelly, Project Manager, HBIC: History of the Book in Canada Project
Susanne Sexty, Memorial University, speaking on a Plan for an Ex Libris Website and e-mail service
Peter Hajnal, "The WTO and GATT - Should Ex Libris be Concerned?"


Three speakers on archives and libraries:

John English, "The Future Role of the National Archives and National Library"
Gwyneth Evans, Director General of National and International Programs For the National Library of Canada
Miriam McTiernan, Archivist of Ontario


Panel discussion: Our Library Heritage for the New Millennium

Scott James, Archivist, Arts & Letters Club of Toronto, and former Director, Toronto City Archives
Mary Rae Shantz, Special Collections Librarian, Toronto Reference Library
Joanna Wellheiser, Preservation and Digitization Specialist, Toronto Reference Library
Karolyn Smardz, Public Heritage Consultant Fugitive sources: Researching the Lives of African-Americans in the Promised Land


Panel discussion: "Amalgamation: The Impact on Public Libraries and Librarians"
Josephine Bryant, CEO, Toronto Public Library
Marcel Giroux, Chair, Kingston-Frontenac Public Library Board

Stephen Cummings,  "In Search of Angus Mowat," PhD Thesis


Panel discussion: "Bill 109: Its Impact on Public Libraries in Ontario"
Lorne Bruce, Collections Services Librarian, University of Guelph
Bruce MacNeil, Past Chair, Kitchener Public Library Board
Peggy Walshe, CEO, Kitchener Public Library

Elizabeth Hulse, librarian, freelance writer, "Recovering Sir Daniel Wilson: A Tale of Two Cities"


Panel discussion: "Adapting to New Environments"
Rose Dotten, Teacher-Librarian, University of Toronto Schools Library
Virginia Gillham, University Librarian, Sir Wilfred Laurier University
Jane Horrocks, CEO, Richmond Hill Public Library

Howard Engel, author,"Challenges of Writing Crime Fiction in Canada"


Kildare Dobbs, author, and broadcaster, speaking on an account of his travels and career
Marion Fowler, author: "In a Gilded Cage: Heiresses and Duchesses"


William Poole, founder of Waygoose, speaking on "Waygoose and the Mackenzie Heritage Printery Museum"
Jean Little, author of children's literature: "The Joys and Trials of Writing for Children in Canada"


Sheila Wilson, author of a history of the St. Catharines Public Library: Writing Library History
Chris Raible, writer, broadcaster and historical interpreter: Creating Authorities these are many of my imperfections


Margaret Beckman: Three Decades of Change
Albert Bowron: Thoughts on the Changes in Libraries


James J. Talman, University Librarian, University of Western Ontario, "From the Ontario Archives the UWO Library"
Farley Mowat, author, Perspective on his father, Angus Mowat, through an exchange of letters while Farley was overseas during the Second World War
Judith St. John, Librarian, Toronto Public library, "Fortuitous Happenings and Uncanny Coincidences"


John A. Wiseman: "Temples of Democracy: A History of Public Library Development in Ontario, 1880-1920"
Robert Blackburn, Chief Librarian, University of Toronto, "Anecdotes from the History of the University of Toronto Library"


Bernd Frohmann, Professor, School of Library and Information Science, UWO: "The Importance of History to Librarianship"
Katharine Greenfield, retired Head of Special Collections, Hamilton Public Library: "Writing Library History - The Hamilton Public Library"
Marianne Scott, National Librarian of Canada: "The National Library and Library History"


Margaret Anderson, Associate Professor, Faculty of Library and Information Science, University of Toronto: Oral History Project on Retired Public Librarians
Janet Fyfe, Professor, University of Western Ontario: Oral History Activities, School of Library and Information Science, UWO
Ian Wilson, Archivist of Ontario, "The Mission of Archives"


Roger Nickerson, Sound Archivist, Ontario Archives: "Aspects of Oral History"
meetings/previous-agm-speakers.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/24 14:58